palm oil processing steps includes:
Threshing, Sterilisation, Crushing process, Digestion of the fruit, Extracting the palm oil, Kernel recovery, Refining process.
Sterilization: The bunches are
cooked with live steam for 90 – 120 minutes. Sterilization objectives are:
Lipase enzyme inactivation, making fruits easily release from bunches, making
fruits softer, making nut/pulp separation easier, and coagulation of proteins.
Threshing: After bunches are cooked they are fed to the thresher which is a drum with holes in the side where bunches are centrifuged to separate the fruits. The bunch waste is incinerated and the ash, a rich source of potassium, is used in a compost.
Threshing: After bunches are cooked they are fed to the thresher which is a drum with holes in the side where bunches are centrifuged to separate the fruits. The bunch waste is incinerated and the ash, a rich source of potassium, is used in a compost.
the oil palm tree produces fresh fruit bunches all year around.
palm extraction steps are: sterilization, the bunches are cooked with live
steam for 120 minutes, sterilization aimed at enzyme inactivation, making
fruits separate from bunches, making fruits softer, making nut pulp separation
easier and coagulation of proteins.
after bunches are cooked they are fed to the thresher which is a drum with
holes in the side where bunches are centrifuged to separate the fruits, the
bunches waste is incinerated and the ash, a rich source of potassium, is used
in a compost.
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