
palm oil , start palm oil business, palm oil introduction, palm oil press machine

A palm tree requires at least five years before it matures and starts producing, after it matures it produces palm fruits yearly.

       Investing in an oil palm plantation takes time before the profits start coming in. 

Palm oil is one of the world’s most produced and consumed oils, this cheap, production efficient and highly stable oil is used in a wide variety of food, cosmetic and hygiene products, and can be used as source for bio-fuel or biodiesel, most palm oil is produced in Asia, Africa and South America because the trees need warm temperatures, sunshine and plenty of rain in order to maximize production.

It firstly involves separating a grading process where the good fruits are separated from the bad (which are then discarded) since they are lower quality. The good fruits are then placed in a large conveyer system which leads to a splitter which is true to it's name because it literally splits the palm fruits into smaller pieces.  
 we usually add the seed crystal help crystal, the melting point of seed crystal is higher than raw material. there are two ways: one , according to the proportion to add directly into the raw materials tanks, mixing and then pumped into crystallizing tank to cool crystallization;
two, it is to add another crystallization in the process of crystallization crystal, it can shorten the crystallization time about the 100-300 minutes , but also can improve the yield of liquid oil.
welcome to visit our website: www.palmoilmachine.com

