
Oil refining, deodorization

Oil refining, deodorization 

Process of deodorization process, deodorization process is a refining process necessary procedures only after oil refinery , there are differences on triglyceride oils and odor material within a volatile, odor material by means of steam distillation at high temperature extrusion vacuum conditions, the temperature is about 200 degrees, the vacuum is controlled for 120 minutes.
Critical limit temperature control,  Chemical control in general 235 ~ 255 , the main basis for the monitoring of oil products is qualified, whether oil smell; physical refining generally controlled at 250 ~ 265 , the main basis for the refined oil color monitor and free acid is qualified. 
These are the oil refining process First manufacturers explain to you in the deodorization process, if you have any questions,  welcome to Henan Huatai Cereals and Oils Machinery Co., Ltd.

