
MSW to energy, msw incineration, msw processing, generate electricity from waste garbage

Municipal solid waste (MSW), often called garbage, is used to produce energy at waste-to-energy plants.
MSW is usually burned at special waste-to-energy plants that use the heat from the fire to make steam for generating electricity or to heat buildings.

Waste-to-energy plants make steam and electricity

Producing electricity is only one reason to burn MSW. Burning waste also reduces the amount of material that would probably be buried in landfills.
The common method for waste to energy generation is “incineration”.incineration is also stands for a type of waste treatment process, where the organics from the waste collected involving high temperatures and called thermal treatment, the heat generated from this thermal temperature is then used to create energy.
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if you need any msw treatment facility, msw processing machine, please email to info01@cnhtee.com

