
Palm trees , palm oil production, palm oil refining, start palm oil business

The palm trees start being productive at around 3 years and then they keep producing for around 25 years.
136 trees/ha=20-23tonsFFB/ha/year
CPKO = 1t/hectare/year

Weight of each palm fruit= 8-13g
Henan Huatai Company is a leading designer, manufacturer and exporter of edible oil refinery plant in both continuous type vegetable oil refinery plant and batch type vegetable oil refinery plant. It is very essential that the crude oil obtained from oil press workshop and solvent extraction workshop get refined in the vegetable oil refinery plants before it is utilized directly. Our continuous vegetable oil refinery plant gives color uniformity and appealing quality to the oil by removing unpleasant smell and undesirable factors from the oil.

Palm oil production line Main equipment: Crude oil filter, Crude oil tank, Crude oil pump, Washing centrifugeDegumming centrifugeVacuum dryerHot water tankSoap-stock tankDecolorization towerDecolorization oil pumpPlate filterSteam super-heaterDecolorizing oil tankDeodorization towerDeodorization oil pumpVacuum system, Vacuum pump, Cooling tower, Thermal oil furnace, PLC automatic control.
If you want to start palm oil business, need palm oil machine equipment, please email to molly@oilmachineworld.com
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