
15TPD pressing pant and 3TPD crude oil refinery plant is delivering to Yunnan province!

15TPD pressing pant and 3TPD crude oil refinery plant is delivering to Yunnan province!
Huatai supply edible oil machine, oil press, cooking oil press, edible oil production line, palm oil machine, soybean oil machine, cottonseeds oil machine, canola oil machine, sunflower oil production plant and all different kinds of oil machinery, any need please email to info01@cnoilmachine.com


Palm Oil Processing Knowledge

Palm oil consumption is surging. Most of it is grown in Southeast Asia.Palm oil production has led to major forest loss,palm oil is the most efficient vegetable oil crop to grow.There is a growing demand for sustainable palm oil — and production is beginning to reflect that.About 86 percent of the world’s palm oil is currently grown in Indonesia or Malaysia, As demand for palm oil grows, production is expanding in other tropical regions as well, particularly in South America and Africa.

Palm oil is an indispensible part of our daily lives: the WWF estimates that palm oil is an ingredient in around 50 per cent of all supermarket products – from detergents and lipstick to ice cream and sausages. In addition, much of the palm oil that is produced ends up in our vehicles in the form of biofuel.

If you want to set up a palm oil mill plant, palm kernel oil press, Huatai can supply the best solution and the high oil yield machine for you, any need,please email to info01@cnoilmachine.com


Benefits of coconut oil

Benefits of coconut oil
1. Protect hair
Coconut oil is beneficial to the health of the hair, when the hair is more shiny, often used it to massage the head, can prevent dandruff and lice.
2. Skin care
Coconut oil is a good massage oil, it has the role of skin care, suitable for all kinds of skin, there are no side effects on the skin, there are many benefits.
3. Detoxify
The high stability of pure fresh coconut oil, not easy to be oxidized so that it will not produce corruption in the body or the accumulation of toxins with other foods to increase the burden of the body.
4. Losing weight
Slimming coconut oil is great for losing weight. It includes SCFA and MCT, which help to lose excess fat.
5. How to get the natural coconut oil?
Use the Huatai oil press machine, any need, please email to info01@cnoilmachine.com
Henan Huatai supply edible oil machine, palm oil machine, copra oil machine, soybean oil machine, sunflower seeds oil machine, cooking oil machine, oil machinery plant, any need, please email to info01@cnoilmachine.com